Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jenni Bailing Out of Ride

Apologies... I don't normally do this BUT I won't be able to do the Tinnirino excursion ride on tomorrow. I usually don't cancel things... I just overbooked the weekend.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Come ride with Toni and Have Some Pasta!

Come to Tinnirino Bike Shop for a fun, mountain bike excursion!
Explore new territory and have some pasta!
Sunday, March 29
Sign-up: 8 am Leave: 9 am
Car Caravan leaves from Marinai at 7:30ish
Takes about 20-25 minutes to drive there.
Course 10km or 25km
12 euro & includes pasta lunch
Course is a mixture of street, farm land dirt roads and single track and starts and
ends at Tinnirino Bici, Militello in Val di Catania.
Usually colder in Militello... dress in layers
Please let me know by Friday if you are going to join us!
Tres and I both will be particating in this once in a lifetime ride!Posted by Picasa

Wes is so excited about his new Bianchi purchase! Toni is very happy, too! Congrats, Wes, on crossing over to a true roady! Bike purchased at Tinnirino's in Militello. My favorite bike shop in the area.
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Here is Tres in front of the duomo while about to enjoy a cappucino, today.
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Urban Cycling

We were amazed how many signs said "Sigonella" on the backroad to Catania Centro. This ride is about 30 miles (at the most) but between the wind and cold... it seems like double. We stopped in Catania centro for a cafe and dolce and then headed back. It was so windy that I was going 8 on the flats back home. Pure misery but still fun!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tres returned back from the states and for the first time in months there was not a cloud in the sky! We hit the pavement at 9ish and headed for a route called Flintstones. On our way there, Tres was able to meet Rich and KK for the first time in about a year and after their greeting and a little help from them to get back on Tres's wheel, they headed back home finishing their ride. As we rode our way to Muella and Biancavilla turn-off, the italian cyclists were out and all of them waved and greeted "Buongiorno" or "Ciao!" as we passed each other. The ride was beautiful and the spring flowers are thinking about making a show of spring very soon! The ride has a wonderful mix of hills (I Love) and flats (I Hate) and on the last 7 miles the aweful Sicilian wind picked up and I was down to 11-13 on the flats. We finally reached our turn-off home and called it, once again, a successful ride.

The day wasn't over yet... I received my Garmin-Slipstream jacket, water bottles, and a signed David Zabriski shirt in prepartion for the Giro d'Italia in May. We are going to the first stage of the race and it should be fun. I hope to get pictures with Garmin-Slipstream for sure. I know this will be easy since every magazine and bicycling publication is now sporting the Black and Yellow colors of Lance Armstrong and all focus is on Astana. I refuse to read anymore bike mag's. I picked up a mag yesterday and there were about 5 ads on him AND about 5 articles. I am over it. We know the guy is superhuman!

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Out with the Old and in with the NEW!

As with every winter... I always have terrific intentions of working out and playing hard but as the time changes, and the days grow shorter and colder, I begin to snuggle up longer in bed and become very, very HHMMMM... I wouldn't say lazy BUT maybe slightly focused on hybernating in preparation for spring!

I am slowly moving my way back out in anticipation of the wonderful spring and summer ahead... I have slowly started getting back into spin class and a ride on the weekend. Last weekend, we did the Palagonia-Ramacca loop. A new route that Ang and Kelly have not done before and a break from their extremely hard race season that had just kicked off. On Sunday, we had a group take us in to Catania Centro which was exhilarating and exciting as cars gave us the right-of-way all the way into the cobblestone piazza. Having a cappucino on Via Etnea is something that just doesn't come for free for most visitors and I couldn't believe how quite lucky we were.

Right now... my rides are no more than 43 miles (Militello) and until this weather decides to figure out what to do... I will stay around that and be more than comfortable.

The "Fiore di le donne" which translates as the women's flower is blossoming everywhere and soon poppies and other wildflowers will be coating the fields along our cycling routes. The Sicilian wildflowers are amazing and I can't wait to see my favorite... the poppies! Soon, soon enough they will arrive again.

Buon Ciclismo! JenniOneSpeed

Buon Ciclismo Tutti! JenniOneSpeed