Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Warm Day of 2010

This field is beautiful. It is surrounded by beautifully placed old rocks that fence in the farmland. The flowers are just starting to bloom and I thought I wanted to run through the field in glee until I noticed the many L'Ape (BEES!). So... sitting on the wall was as close as I was going to get. The view of Etna from this point is special and is very quiet and peaceful. Tucked away down the valley are orange groves, olive trees, and sheep herders doing what they do best.
This was the first warm day in a long time. The perfect weather calling only for knickers and a long sleeve jersey. Days like this make it easy to ride all day.

The road loops past NAS II area over to the 385 and then I turn right around Scordia signs and head to the 417 and then home. About a 36-mile loop. It is one of my favorites with flats, touring, hill climb, and then a downhill. Nice mix and a great mid-week ride.